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SEOUL, South Korea (Yonhap) - Mercedes-Benz Korea announced on Saturday that it has selected eight companies to participate in its startup incubation program, Startup Autobahn Korea 2023.
The startups selected are Deep Brain AI, Gengen AI, Opt AI, Sizzle, Cogcom, EYL, Space & Bean and Morai, which are working on artificial intelligence (AI), quantum technology and autonomous driving technology.
They were selected through a 30-to-1 competition, Mercedes-Benz Korea said.[Read more]
EYL CryptoLib v1.0 is the first verifiable fill cryptomodule to generate high-quality random numbers using 100% proprietary technology
Provides high security by using quantum noise sources and directly generating necessary random numbers
[Security News By Kim Young-myung] EYL, a company with original quantum security technology, announced that it has acquired the Korea Cryptographic Module Validation Program (KCMVP) from the National Intelligence Service and launched it under the 'Quantum Shieldz' brand. KCMVP is a system that evaluates the stability and implementation suitability of cryptographic modules in national public institutions.[Read more]
AXGate (CEO Kapsu Joo) announced on the 17th that it has signed a business agreement (MOU) with EYL to jointly develop a firewall authentication system and virtual private network (VPN) that combines quantum random number security and authentication technology.
The two companies will collaborate based on their respective core competencies and technologies. EYL will support quantum random number generation technology and quantum cryptographic chip (QCC) technology, and AXGate, the No. 1 UTM company in Korea, will apply this technology to the development of firewall authentication systems and VPNs to expand its network security business.[Read more]
EYL announced on the 30th that it has obtained the National Intelligence Service Cryptographic Module Verification (KCMVP). Cryptographic module verification is a system that evaluates the stability and implementation suitability of cryptographic modules in national public institutions.[Read more]
KT made an announcement on March 10 that it has developed a technology that can implement quantum cryptographic secure communication without using a dedicated terminal.
KT co-developed this quantum cryptographic secure communication technology with South Korean security startup EYL. EYL has a technology that is selected as a key technology for U.S. Air Force's security system and has a source technology for developing ultra-small quantum cryptography chips.
Quantum security company EYL has obtained KCMVP from the National Intelligence Service.
Cryptographic module verification is a system in which national public institutions evaluate the stability and implementation suitability of cryptographic modules.
EYL has its own cryptographic module after securing cryptographic experts and developing and verifying it through strategic support. Most of the existing verification-fill cryptographic modules use foreign pure random number generators (TRNG) or collect noise sources from the operating system to generate random numbers, while EYL uses its 100% technology to generate high-quality random numbers [Read more]
[Seoul, Korea] Monoverse, a blockchain gaming company developing the play-to-earn NFT game Frutti Dino, announces its collaboration with EYL, a quantum encryption startup. After signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the company, Monoverse will test EYL’s high-performance quantum random number generator chip as a hardware solution for beefing up the security of encryption keys in its blockchain projects.
[DigitalDaily Jonghyun Lee] Thirteen Korean companies visited the RSA Conference 2023 (RSAC2023), the world's largest cybersecurity exhibition, and one of them stood out for its rather exotic technology. EYL introduced a 'security phone' that cannot be eavesdropped on using quantum cryptography.
EYL has set up an exhibition booth in the Korean Pavilion (South-634) at RSAC2023, which is being held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California, USA. EYL exhibited a security phone with quantum cryptography technology that blocks threats such as leaks that may occur in the communication process.
Korea's two leading financial groups are making hefty investments in budding fintechs to help them become unicorns ― privately held startup companies valued at over $1 billion (1.17 trillion won). KB Financial Group held 2019 HUB Day where it announced it has invested 26.6 billion won in 23 startups as of October. The recipients were among 39 shortlisted firms that have a combined 108 ongoing joint business projects with the group.
Over 200 people from startups, investment consultancies and KB Financial Group gathered to share the fintechs' business models and further plans at the event held Nov. 13 on Yeouido in Seoul.
They include EYL, a quantum random-number generator-based internet of things (IoT) verification service provider, Finda, an asset management platform service provider, and Mainline, an artificial intelligence-based automated insurance sales service provider.
LG Uplus and KT jointly developed the quantum cryptographic communication network technology proposed by the seven companies and institutions in the domestic quantum cryptographic communication industry at the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) standardization conference held in Geneva Switzerland on July 29th.
Since the beginning of this year, KT has been working with leading research institutes such as KIST, ETRI, and KAIST to develop quantum cryptographic communication technology and application services together with Telemedicine, EYL, Woori, UM Logix, and other global manufacturers.
AhnLab completed KCMVP once again by adding QRNG from the Korean security startup EYL as a noise source for random number generation to ACM 1.0 which already has KCMVP. The noise source is an important value that becomes a material for random number generation, and the unpredictability of the random number depends on the noise source.
By adding the noise source, ACM 1.0 has increased randomness (random number sequence without statistical bias) and unpredictability (the next number cannot be predicted from the past number sequence) of the random number sequence created in the environment where EYL’s QRNG is equipped. Through this, the security of the encryption operation using the random number was further strengthened.
EYL, a Korean start-up, won the Diamond award in the Boston Mass Challenge, an annual $1 million global start-up competition and accelerator program, also known as the Start-up Olympics.
The Korean company was praised for its high-end technology and growth potential. “We will support many others to help grow the next EYL,” said the ministry.
The startup company EYL, whose CEO is Jeong Bu-seok, announced Wednesday that it will begin supplying its independently developed quantum random number security system (TriGen) to a client company by the end of the month. The client company is known to be a large-scale domestic manufacturer.
KT와 안랩은 양자암호 VPN의 상용화를 위해 2020년부터 협업해왔고, 정부의 양자암호통신 디지털 뉴딜 사업 참여를 시작으로 이와이엘(EYL)의 양자난수생성기(QRNG)를 활용한 암호 모듈을 개발했습니다. [상세보기]
| 인증 솔루션 '그리핀 타워'에 이와이엘 기술 접목.."패턴 분석 해킹 차단"
(지디넷코리아=김윤희 기자)한국정보인증이 한국남부발전의 양자 일회용패스워드(OTP) 도입 사업을 성공적으로 마무리했다고 17일 밝혔다.
한국정보인증은 양자난수 생성 원천 기술을 보유한 국내 보안 스타트업 이와이엘과 협력해 자사 스마트 통합 인증 솔루션 ‘그리핀타워’에 양자난수를 이용한 OTP 생성 기술을 개발했다.
양자난수는 양자 현상에서 발생하는 불규칙성을 이용해 무작위적이고 예측 불가능한 고품질 난수를 생성하는 기술로 주로 양자암호통신 분야에 적용돼 왔다.…[상세보기]